
Radio Mong: The Brian Boyle Show


This is the oldest recording I have of my ego. It's a parody of commercial radio breakfast shows (no one in particular, promise) which I did with my good friend Rich. He plays Brian Boyle, 'The Saviour of Radio', and I play his sidekick 'Slightly Cold' Dan.

One year on, and this has aged badly in parts. There are two Madeleine McCann jokes, which were barely funny at the time, and the sports radio advert is a shameful broadstroke. I still like the loan one though, and Rich is brilliant as the egomaniacal host.

My friend Sophie can also be heard on this, and is very good. The whole show would have been a write-off if Boyle turned out to be quite likeable, and she keeps him detestable by playing the perfect girlfriend.


Download (Right click, 'Save Target As...')

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